Wordscapes June 18, 2024

Welcome Wordscapers,
Your wait is over now; we have found you the wordscapes daily puzzle answers and bonus words for today, June 18, 2024.

Wordscapes Daily Puzzle Answers for June 18, 2024

Wordscapes Daily Puzzle Answers for June 18, 2024

Wordscapes Answers for Today

  1. oil
  2. silo
  3. sis
  4. soil
  5. floss
  6. foil
  7. fossil
  8. loss

Wordscapes Bonus Words for Today

  1. foils
  2. oils
  3. silos
  4. soils
  5. sos

Meanings of the Answers for Daily Puzzle

If you are wondering what the meanings of the daily puzzle answers are, look no further. We provide concise definitions of all the answers to help enhance your understanding.

  1. Here are the one-line definitions in numeric list format:
  2. Oil: A liquid derived from petroleum, used as fuel and lubricant.
  3. Silo: A tall structure used to store bulk materials like grain.
  4. Sis: Informal term for sister.
  5. Soil: The top layer of earth where plants grow.
  6. Floss: A soft thread used for cleaning between the teeth.
  7. Foil: A thin sheet of metal, typically used for wrapping food.
  8. Fossil: The preserved remains or impression of an ancient organism.
  9. Loss: The state of no longer having something or someone.

What is Wordscapes Daily Puzzle?

Wordscapes daily puzzle is a challenge that comes after every 24 hours and provides you the opportunity to earn more stars. Each challenge is unique, and you can not find it anywhere else in the game. These challenges make wordscapes more tricky and exciting to play.

Daily puzzle allows you to capture butterflies sitting on the square. This puzzle’s theme is to capture the butterflies sitting on the square box as soon as possible. As the progress bar fills with butterflies, you will be rewarded with pictures and added to your collection.